The best way to go is to first sign up for an account first. Then you can have a folder for your files which you can refer to whenever you need to. If you have your own music file, first upload it. You still can have music if you don't have your own music file. All you have to do is to choose one which is available to the public in eSnip. If you don't have your own music file, or you want one that is available in eSnip, click on fresh from the "DJ Community" and click on a selection. Click "MP3 Widgets" and you will be presented with a page where you can copy the script to add to your blog (see screenshot (click to enlarge):
The default is to only play the music if a visitor click on the Play button. However, you can make the player play the music automatically the moment the page opens by choosing Yes in the Auto Play drop down menu at the bottom of the preview page (see bottom of the screenshot above). This setting (autoplay) is not favoured by many because of fear of unwanted interruption like when a person is surfing at night and there is a baby sleeping nearby. The person will have to quickly exit the site to stop the music playing. That is why the default is set to "no".
Update March 16 2007: Got a tip about Odeo from Brad of Brad Linder's Digital Home. I tested embeding a selection into this post Testing embeding musical from Odeo. However, unlike eSnip, they don't give you the option of whether you want autostart or you need the visitor to click the "play" button to play the music. In this case, a visitor will have to click the "play" button to start the music.
UPDATE 5 November 2007: See eSnip music player in sidebar for instructions on how to make the eSnip player fit the sidebar (click BACK button to get back to this page).
Listening to music online
Not satisfied with just putting music on your own site. Like to listen to music on other sites online?Find places to Listen To Music Online for free. The internet has allowed sites to play Music 24/7. There are literally hundreds of Online Music sites
and even you can Stream Music on your own website.
Related post:
Adding Music to your blog
Adding a MP3 Player to your blog.
(click the "BACK" button to return to this page).