Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jejemon vs. Jejebusters vs. Harharmon

What is Jejemon?
Jejemon is a pop culture phenomenon in the Philippines. Jejemons are defined by Urban Dictionary as those "who has managed to subvert the English language to the point of incomprehensibility and online lynch squads." A Jejemon is described as one of a "new breed of hipsters who have developed not only their own language and written text but also their own sub-culture and fashion."

The word "Jejemon" supposedly originated from online users' penchant to type in hehehe" as "jejeje", either because "jeje" is derived from Spanish, whose speakers denote the interjection as laughter, or because the letters "h" and "j" are beside each other, and that it is appended by "-mon" that came from the Japanese anime Pokémon, with "-mon" meant as "monster," hence "jeje monsters."

"eEoWpFhUeEhsxz - means hi/hello"
"yuHh"- means you
"lAbqCkyOuHh"- means I love you
What is JejeBusters?

A group of internet grammar vigilantes, typically Filipinos, dedicating their internet lives towards the eradication of jejetyping and jejemon existence. Having dangerous links to the grammar nazi, jejebusters enjoy humiliating a jejemon by posting his/her profile on a social networking site, while everyone on the internet laughs, causing unwarranted embarrassment towards the individual caught jejetyping
What is Harharmon?
After the Jejemons and JejeBusters exist and know in Philippines. Their are also new group of people who made their own style of texting. They are called HarHarmon as I observed. 

Harharmon are the people who made their text in invert or flip the text. They can never change the original spelling it depends on the person use the way of text. You can also flip a text in a jejemon way..

"ƃuıuɹoɯ pooƃ" for good morning
 "ɥɥnoʎʞɔbqɐl" in jejemon "lAbqCkyOuHh" mean i love you

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