Friday, January 28, 2011

Remove Quick Edit And wrench On Blogger

If you remove Edit And  wrench it will help to reduce link
 your blogger and make more friendly in search Engine.
After remove this you will no longer to see quick edit pencil.

1. Log to your blogger and navigate to  
    Layout > Page Element

2.Click Edit Button on the blog post gadget.Uncheck the 
show quick editing and save it.
3. Now Go to Layout > Edit HTML make sure clicked the Expand your Widget Templates.

4. Find these code by using Ctrl+F           <b:include name='quickedit'/>

5. Replace that all Occurrences code with this code.           <!--b:include name='quickedit'/-->

6. You are save the template.

How to back that Gadget ?

You can follow reverse process.

1. Log to your blogger and navigate to Layout > Page Element

2.Click Edit Button on the blog post gadget.check the show quick editing and save it.

3. Now Go to Layout > Edit HTML make sure clicked the Expand your Widget Templates.

4. Find these code by using Ctrl+F     <!--b:include name='quickedit'/-->

5. Replace that all Occurrences code with this code.           <b:include name='quickedit'/>


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