Some people put their details online. Very known sample of detail is your email address, usually that email address is the email address use to log-in to your account. So, after hackers know your email address. Hackers also find a way to hack your password. Most of the users get some hint in making their password on their birthday, address or any details related to you. Example, your birthday is January 15,1987 - some put their password as 01121987myname. Hackers will not stop until your account will not be hack.
Here are the steps on how to be on Facebook’s stealth mode to hide your privacy:
- Visit, log in to your profile and click ‘Account’ in the top-right corner. From there, choose ‘Privacy Settings.’
- From the ‘Privacy Settings’ page, click on ‘View Settings’ to see who can search for you, send messages to your account, see your education and work settings and more. Change all of these drop-down menus to ‘Friends Only.’
- Return to the ‘Privacy Settings’ page and choose ‘Customize Settings’ near the bottom of the page. This new page will load a number of different privacy options, but you’ll want to click through each one and change the setting to ‘Only Me’ so that nobody else can see your Facebook activity.
- Stay on the ‘Customize Settings’ page and scroll down to ‘Things Others Share.’ Here, you’ll want to edit and disable settings so that your friends are unable to write on your wall, comment on posts and check you in to places.
- Return to the ‘Privacy Settings’ page and, under ‘Apps and Websites’ in the bottom-left corner, select ‘Edit Your Settings.’ This page shows all of the third-party websites and applications that you have given access to some of your Facebook information. If you see anything on this list that you want to remove, just click to remove it from the list.
- Stay on the ‘Apps and Websites’ page, scroll down to ‘Instant Personalization’ and select ‘Edit Settings.’ Uncheck the box at the bottom of this page to block other websites from accessing your Facebook interests. Select ‘Confirm’ when a pop-up asks you if you’re sure you want to disable this option.
- Return to the ‘Apps and Websites’ page, scroll down to ‘Public Search’ and select ‘Edit Settings.’ To keep search engines from finding your Facebook profile, uncheck the box on this new screen.