Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Add Meta Tags

Meta tags are method to give some informations about a page, website, or blog. There are many meta tags that appropriate with standard of HTML 4.0 from W3C (World Wide Web Consortion), but actually that really used by search engine only 3 meta tags, that are description, keyword, dan robots. For the details, you can read the explanations of meta tags below.

Meta Description Tag
Meta Description Tag is used to gives a general overview about the contents of your webpages. The standard is about 150 characters. And try to this description can be sentences which were located at the beginning of your web page or blog. The example of meta description tag :

<meta name="description" content="Full Blog Tricks provides many blogger tricks, blogger hacks, blogger widgtets, and SEO tips."/>

If you don't use Meta Description Tag, some search engine like Google and Nothern Light usually use sentences which were located at the beginning of your web page or blog as a Meta Description Tag. And, if the earliest part of your blog is a menu, so the Meta Description Tag that will be display is like this:

Home | Article Request | About Me | Contact ... Full Blog Tricks provides many blogger tricks, blogger hacks, blogger widgtets, and SEO tips.

Meta Keywords Tag
Meta Keywords Tag is very important, because that's determining what keywords that can find a web page on search engines. Usually, the form of meta keywords tag is like this

<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, ... " />

But there is wrote without comma like this

<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 ..." />

Actually, the function is same. The purpose of comma just so the keywords are more readable. The important thing is don't repeat your keywods more than 3 times, because search engines will assume as spamming. And, you must not insert some keywords that unrelated with your blog. For example, your blog is about "blogger tricks" , so don't use "music" for your blog keywords.

Meta Robots Tag
The purpose of use meta robots tag is determining which pages can be index by spider and which page are not. The basic format of meta robots tag is

<meta name="robots" content="(index/noindex), (follow/nofollow)" />

If you want to spider index your home page and browse your links in your blog, you can use this command

<meta name="robots" content="index,  follow"/>

If you don't want spider browse your blog, you can use the command below

<meta name="robots" content="noindex,  nofollow"/>

So, how to add meta tags in blogger templates?

1. Log in to your blogger account
2. Go to Design --> Edit HTML
3. Find <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> or <head>
4. Paste the meta tags under <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
<meta content='your description' name='description'/>
<meta content='keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, ...' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
For example
<meta content='Full Blog Tricks provides many blogger tricks, blogger hacks, blogger widgtets, and SEO tips. ' name='description'/>
<meta content='blogger tricks, blogger hacks, SEO tips' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='noindex, nofollow' name='robots'/>
5. Save it, good luck!

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