This will helps you to arrange your page can add
more link on drop down menu.its easy try it. it will helpful
to you. ill give example how to make it.
you can add it to add gadget. follow these steps.
1. Log in to your blogger account and Go to Design >>page Element
2.Click Add gadget and Select HTML/JavaScript
3. Now paste paste below code
<form><select name="menu" onchange="
(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,'_blank')" size="1"
<option> -Best Blogger Trcks - </option>
<!-- change the links with your own -->
<option value="">Blogger Trix</option>
<option value="">Twitter Follower</option>
<option value="">Be a Facebook fan</option>
Note: Replace 200 width with your like
Change URL as your like
4. Now save HTML/JavaScript
you are done.