Friday, April 29, 2011

What to Do if your Link Building Gets Jammed

Earlier or future it is certain to happen. You or your SEO expert is in month nine of the year-long link building strategy and you've hit a wall. It textures like there are no more excellence blogs to comment on, your list of directories to submit to is triumph smaller and good, new ones progressively hard to find and making new content feels like pulling teeth. You've hit the link building partition. If you work in a relatively niche industry, you may hit this wall sooner than others. But don’t let this stop your link building efforts or SEO tactics in general.
Here are a few ideas of what to do when your link building gets caught:

Don’t get unfulfilled

It’s easy to feel like you are hitting your head against a wall. The first thing to remember is to not get unfulfilled. Thwarting leads to worry which can lead you into black hat SEO land. No matter how slow the link building is receiving, it’s never worth using black hat SEO methods to keep the process moving.

Take a look back

Sort through your previous link building events and check on blogs you commented on to see if the comments actually went through. If they didn’t, annoying commenting on another post on that blog. It’s likely that the blog owner isn’t vigorously monitoring comments, but that doesn’t mean you should keep from trying again.

Check out the rivalry

If you are really caught, check out what kind of SEO your top three rivals are doing. What blogs are they commenting on, what kind of news are they pushing in press releases. Maybe one of them stumbled upon a really good link building source that you can use for your own determinations. What associations are they apart of? What trade shows are they going to? Their on- and offline marketing efforts might just be the inspiration you need.

Look outside your industry

If you’re a business that makes tennis rackets, you’ve probably focused your link building efforts to the tennis/tennis racket industry. Take a look outside your specific niche and find related businesses that you can work with. Why not see if you can make progress elsewhere? Think outside the box and see where that takes you.

The important thing is to not give up. With so much time and exertion already capitalized in your link building strategy, don’t throw away what you’ve done because you aren’t sure where to go.

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