If you blog on these topics, Kontera wants you. Here is a chance for you to earn some money online with your blog. Apply for Kontera account so that you can display unobtrusive in-text ads in your blog or website. Kontera have found that Lifestyle sites results in some of the best ads and results on Kontera
Also, if you get at least 25,000 U.S. page views during their first 30 days after implementing Kontera, will receive a $75 Bonus.
What does other Lifestyle bloggers and website owners found about Kontera? They get:
- Premium ads and big brand advertisers.
- Users are engaged with the ads (high click rates).
- No extra space is required - an incremental monetization opportunities within site's editorial content and text.
- Flexible settings for easy customization.
- Only a minute to set up and DOES NOT require daily maintenance
So don't waste another minute and apply for Kontera account to start generating income from your blog or website. If you face any problem, leave a comment or contact me