Add Meta Tags to your blogger page good.But how to add these tags in blogger.And what are tags I add to my blogger. Actually its very simple to add meta tags to blogger.This will help to increase your search visibility also.When the search visibilty increases your SEO Ranking also increase.That will increase your bloger traffic and more income from your blogger.Now a days Google change its algorithms!! So adding the mets tags also important.Add these meta tags in very simple steps.
Login to
Press Cntrl + f and search
INDEX - bot will index
NOINDEX - bot will no index
NoFOLLOw - not follow links
FOLLOW - follow links
Change this as your wish.
As per new Google Algorithm , Google not supports keywords. But other search engine supports this.
Below there is a Meta Analyser to Analyis your site ;
Login to
Press Cntrl + f and search
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>Place the following below codes after the above code
<meta content='Blog Title Here' name='title'/>
<meta content='Description' name='description'/>
<meta content='Keywords Here' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Blog Author Name' name='author'/>
<meta content='INDEX,FOLLOW' name='robots'/>
INDEX - bot will index
NOINDEX - bot will no index
NoFOLLOw - not follow links
FOLLOW - follow links
<meta content='INDEX,FOLLOW' name='robots'/>
Change this as your wish.
As per new Google Algorithm , Google not supports keywords. But other search engine supports this.
Below there is a Meta Analyser to Analyis your site ;