Monday, June 4, 2007

Video chat for your blog

video chat for your blogI have put an example of a video chat into the left sidebar of this blog Blogging Ideas. It is near the bottom of the first left sidebar, just above the clock. You can leave a message by clicking on "Click here to leave a video message" and if you have a microphone and a webcam on your camera (I have both) and I happened to be online and signed in, we will be able to have a live video chat. However, don't expect too much from me because I am not really interested in having video chat and that has been put there for demonstration only.

I haven't really tested WengoVisio, but I think if you leave a video message when I am not signed in, I will probably receive an email notification of the video message with a link to the message which I would be able to view at time I chose. I just received such a email notification and had thought of posting the link to that message, but had second thoughts as it may be an invasion of privacy.

If you are interested in installing such a video chat for your blog, register at WengoVisio, sign in and get the script to add into a HTML/Javascript Page Element of the LAYOUT of your blog. If you are not familiar with that, refer to Adding advertisements, hit counters, etc. to your New Blogger blog (click BACK button to get back to this page).

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