Google Page Rank Update December 30, 2009
Google has once again simplified their Tool Bar PageRank (TBPR) about an hour ago, at 8 p.m. on December 30, 2009. I had observed the changes immediately when I was doing a searching and saw in the SERPs that we'd jumped from a PR5 to a robust PR6. Few changes are exactly took place before my eyes. One minute we were PR5, then next search PR6. But few browsers like Firefox Toolbar have yet to update though. It's still reading PR5, but I'm sure that will change. I have noticed lot of changes in my websites, all for the better, which is a nice.
This is the sixth and final update for this year end 2009, and the last PageRank update occurred on October 29, 2009. So this means that Google updating PR more frequently and every 3 months.
For reference, Google PageRank is a link analysis algorithm (named after Larry Page, co-founder of Google), which Google uses to allocate a statistical weighting to measure the authority, value or importance of a webpage. Nobody exterior of Google knows the actual PageRank of a document.